
Version 1.1 by Nicolas Gregoire on 2012/01/13 13:50

Dixit Wikipedia : "Liferay Portal is a free and open source enterprise portal written in Java and distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.[2] and proprietary licenses. It is primarily used to power corporate intranets and extranets. [...] Liferay Portal is Java based and runs on any computing platform capable of running the Java Runtime Environment and an application server. Liferay is available bundled with an servlet container such as Apache Tomcat."

LIferay includes numerous portlets. The "XSL Content" portlet displays the result of the XSL transformation of a XML document. The XSLT engine used by default is Xalan-J (but this can probably modified easily using JAXP). As Xalan-J allows by default to execute Java code from the stylesheet, that's an easy to exploit vulnerability (CVE-2011-1571).

Note : Two others vulnerabilities were identified :

  • CVE-2011-1503 : allows to read XML files via a file:// URL
  • CVE-2011-1502 : allows to read UTF-8 files and to list directories via a XEE (XML External Entity) attack