- Introduction
- Supported version
- Command line
- Identification strings
- Special features
- Java properties disclosure
- Java environment disclosure
- Java code execution
- OS command execution
- File creation
- JDBC connectivity
- Anti XEE
Xalan-J is a Java based XSLT engine by the Apache Project.
Supported version
Command line
$> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in foo.xml -xsl foo.xsl
Note : xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar and xalan*.jar must be in the $CLASSPATH
Identification strings
xsl:vendor-url | http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j |
xsl:vendor | Apache Software Foundation |
xsl:version | 1.0 |
Special features
- Java properties disclosure
- Java environment disclosure
- Java code execution
- OS command execution
- File creation
- JDBC connectivity
Java properties disclosure
The xsl:system-property() standard function can be called with non standard arguments, mapped to Java properties. In this example, the name of the Java properties is stored in a separate XML file (
). The XSLT code will, for each property, display its name and its value.Namespace | Function | PoC | Sample output |
http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform | system-property() |
Java environment disclosure
The checkEnvironment() extension function (documented here) will display some information about the execution context (including available packages, paths, versions, ...).
Namespace | Extension function | PoC | Sample output |
http://xml.apache.org/xalan | checkEnvironment() |
Java code execution
Basic Java calls
The attached code will display the current date using a newly created "java.util.Date" object. This should be enough to demonstrate Java code execution.
Namespace | Extension function | PoC | Sample output |
http://xml.apache.org/xalan/java/java.util.Date | new() | Current date: Wed Jan 11 22:45:07 CET 2012 |
Executing arbitrary classes
It is afaik not possible to get a pure Java reverse-shell, as we can't create threads :-(
OS command execution
Once Java code execution is possible, it is trivial to execute arbitrary OS commands using the java.lang.Runtime class.
Command without output
The attached PoC will not read the output of the executed command (because loops are hard in XSLT). But this is not a problem if a reverse-shell have already been started, isn't it ;-)
Namespace | Extension functions | PoC |
http://xml.apache.org/xalan/java | split(), getRuntime(), exec() and toString() |
Note : as arrays are not a native type in XSLT, we create one in Java via split() before passing it as an argument to exec(String[] cmdarray).
Reading stdout
As the output have an unknown number of lines, we must use a loop construct like "while" ... which is not available in XSLT. This limitation is due to the functional programming paradigm but can be circumvented using templates and recursion. This way, we can also update some variables, but the syntax is awful and error prone.
It's far more efficient to 1) write loops using non-standard elements like <loop:while> and <loop:update> 2) convert them in stylesheets using only templates and recursion. This conversion can be done with a tool like the XSLT Loop Compiler (which is itself in XSLT).
The following PoC will fetch some commands from a XML file, execute them (with bash or cmd.exe depending on the detected OS), read the standard output and display it. The file with a "lxsl" extension uses the non-standard <loop:*> elements and is far more readable than the "xsl" one.
Using non standards elements | Using recursion and templates | Commands to execute | Output |
It is of course possible to include commands for multiples OS in one file and to execute only the relevant ones.
File creation
The "write" extension element allows to create files on the engine side. The content written to the file must be valid UTF-8 (so plain ASCII works too). Existing files can be overwritten.
Namespace | Extension element | Parameter | PoC |
http://xml.apache.org/xalan/redirect | write | file |
JDBC connectivity
It is possible to use XSLT to connect to any database having a corresponding installed JDBC driver.
Simple connection
PoC simply connects to a local MySQL database using some hard-coded credentials, executes a query and displays the result.Namespace | Extension function | PoC |
org.apache.xalan.lib.sql.XConnection | new(), query() and close() |
Credentials brute-forcing
file will read some tuples (JDBC driver, database URL, username, passsword) from a XML file ( ) and try to login with each one, effectively brute-forcing credentials from the engine side (usually on the backend ;-).Here's the output when launched from the CLI :
$> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in xalanj-jdbc-bruteforce.xml -xsl xalanj-jdbc-bruteforce.xsl 2> /dev/null
Username : [root] / Password : [] :
Username : [root] / Password : [uberpasswd] :
Username : [root] / Password : [cnam] : OK !!
Username : [pma] / Password : [pma] :
Anti XEE
DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
builderFactory.setExpandEntityReferences(false); <<<<==[Here]==<<<<
DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
DOMSource xmlSource = new DOMSource(builder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(myXmlString.getBytes())));
By default (cf. Xalan-j documentation), this value is set to True.